Rolling with shrimp tempura

Is a shrimp tempura roll traditional authentic sushi? Nope. But is it freakin’ delicious? Umm. YES!! With house spicy mayo and bbq sauce, perfectly tempura fried shrimp and creamy avocado. Yes please. This is what is needed for hump day. 

What makes us different from your everyday sushi takeout spot? Aside from premium authentic ingredients, it's our rice. We are using the highest quality Koshihikari short grain rice that the market offers, and we cook it meticulously. Sushi rice is an art and a science. We work on how many times we wash the rice, the length of time the rice soaks and drains, and don't get me started on the sushi vinegar seasoning. That might have to be its own post. Cliff hanger!!

Definitely check out this new shrimp tempura dish on the menu, or get your weekly regular order, and we hope you notice how magical the combination of perfectly seasoned sushi rice matches with our impeccably sliced fish.


Let's get pumped about Eggplant!


Wagme? Wagyu!!